Can You Sing and Rap at the Same Time?

can you rap and sing at the same time

Singing and rapping continue to evolve each year, and defining every genre they represent isn’t always easy. But when considering whether it’s possible to sing and rap at the same time, the definitions of both and how they relate ends up being key to the answer. Are singing and rapping exclusive from one another? Technically, … Read More

What Is a Rap MC? [+ HOW TO BE A GOOD ONE]

What is a rap mc?

Rap music is rapidly becoming one of the most popular music genres. However, there is a common misconception that’s circulating in the hip hop community. This discrepancy is from the misunderstanding and confusion between a rapper and an MC. So, what is a rap MC? An MC is short for master of ceremonies and is … Read More

Are Rap and Hip Hop the Same Thing?

Rap VS Hip Hop; Whats the deal?

Since the birth of hip hop and rap, there has been a huge debate on what the difference is and whether or not they are the same thing. Even after these genres have been around for half a century, there is still often debate about the differences between the two. Rap and hip hop are … Read More

How Many Words Are in the Average Rap Song?

how many words in a rap song?

Rap music is becoming increasingly more popular as time progresses. As rap has grown in popularity, the competition to be the best has become much more competitive. One way rappers’ skills are assessed is by word counts in their songs. There are between 400-500 words in the average rap song, with some songs reaching word … Read More

What Is a Rap Cypher? [+HOW TO GET GOOD WHEN IN ONE!!]

what are rap cyphers all about?

Hip hop is quickly becoming one of the most popular styles of music. Over the past century, hip hop and rap have grown quite a fan base, and these fans love going to concerts, festivals, and cyphers. A rap cypher is a group of followers or fans that gather around to watch an impromptu hip … Read More

Edifier vs. Klipsch

Edifier vs Klipsch

If you have come across this article, I am pretty sure you are looking for a sound system for your home, office, workplace, etc. Let me compare two of the top brands in the world of quality sound systems, Edifier vs. Klipsch. This article will differentiate between these two brands’ multiple sound systems. Edifier Edifier … Read More

Klipsch Cornwall Vs. Heresy

Klipsch Cornwall vs Heresy

The Klipsch Heresy distinguishes among other speakers available for purchase for one particular reason: value. Speaking of audio, the Heresy just has fantastic audio.  However, Klipsch Cornwall speakers are powerful in sound. They offer a huge, realistic sound staging and are among the few great speakers users will ever hear. Klipsch Cornwall IV The Klipsch Cornwall IV … Read More

Nvidia Shield Vs. Steam Link

Nvidia shield vs steam link

On a PC, you may play games in a variety of ways. You can use a games console or the keyboard and mouse to play video games on your computer. Get a PC with a strong graphics card if you wish to play the games with greater visuals, settings, and audio than are available on … Read More

What Happened To Soul For Real?

what happened to soul for real

Who Are Soul For Real? The Trinidadian American R&B gang Soul for Real, also renowned as Soul 4 Real and Soul IV Real, is composed of the Dalyrimple brothers: Christopher Sherman Dalyrimple, popularly known as Choc (born April 30, 1971), Andre Lamont Dalyrimple, usually known as KD now (born April 4, 1974), Brian Augustus Dalyrimple, … Read More

Woojer vs. SubPac

Woojer vs Subpac

Woojer and SubPac are both physical audio systems that people use to listen to their favorite music and movies or connect with their gaming consoles. These audio systems are mainly known for their feature to transfer low-frequency vibrations into the body, which helps create a better experience for the user. The user feels the bass … Read More

Z323 vs. Z313

Z323 vs Z313

Z323 and z313 are both speaker systems manufactured by the same brand to create an enhanced audio experience for its user. These speakers come with many features and are very popular among their users. Despite being from the same brand, these speakers have some differences in their characteristics that distinguish them from one another. Z323 … Read More

Sony vs. Yamaha Receiver

Sony vs Yamaha receiver

Sony and Yamaha receivers have been one of the most well-known sound systems for audio use at home or in a studio. However, these two have several variations; Sony provides excellent sound quality with various cutting-edge technologies. On the other hand, the Yamaha Receiver offers great surround sound and is simple to operate. SONY YAMAHA … Read More