Your ULTIMATE Guide to The Thinline Telecaster [From Past to Present]

Everything to know about the Thinline Telecaster

Over the years, Fender has designed a lot of top-quality guitars with the most popular being the Stratocaster and Telecaster. The Telecaster, being a classic guitar with a classic design, was introduced in 1950. The Telecaster was initially known as “Broadcaster,” but after Gretsch came knocking on Fender’s doors with papers from the law, Fender … Read More

250k vs. 500k pots: How Each Would Affect Your Tone (and Which is Best!)

250k vs 500k pots

A guitar Potentiometer (abbreviated as “pots”) is a passive electronic component that often performs a variety of functions in an electric guitar. Oftentimes, pots function as tone and volume controls.  Also, they can be used to blend two pickups together, and also attenuate one coil of a Humbucker, etc. Pots are very important in the … Read More

Bigsby for Epiphone Casino [Pros & Cons + FULL Installation Process]

bigsby for epiphone casino

Hate it or love it, the Bigsby vibrato tailpiece is impressive in its own right. Aside from functionality, performance, and ergonomics, the Bigsby just looks plain awesome.  Also, it can be a priceless tool when it comes to infusing expressionism and character into your play. Who wouldn’t love some subtle and maybe wild vibratos added … Read More

Fender Bandmaster vs. Bassman – BEST Bang for Your Buck?

fender bandmaster vs bassman

In the world of bass guitars, the bass amp will always play a crucial role. For the overall tone shaping of the bass and volume amplification, a bass amp becomes one thing every bass player must invest in.  It doesn’t matter what your playing proficiency is. It doesn’t matter if you are starting on the … Read More

12 BEST P90 Pickups to Cut Through ANY Mix! (With Pros & Cons)

best p90 pickups

Invented after World War 2 when Gibson resumed guitar production—if there is any other word that supersedes “classic,” then that would be the right word to describe the P90 guitar pickup.  The P90 pickup has a legendary tone and twang that has sonically graced the palettes of diverse musical genres and styles. From jazz, to … Read More

Line 6 POD Go vs. Helix – Who WINS in This Processor SHOOTOUT?

line6 podgo vs helix

In the world of electric guitars, effect processors will always have a special place. Regardless of style, these pieces of gear, which often come in different sizes amp will always be a thing for the guitar player.  This is because most electric guitars can barely satisfy the tonal needs of both players and listeners without … Read More

10 BEST Bass Guitars with Thin Necks in 2023 (For Smaller Hands)

bass guitars with thin necks

Just like in so many things, size does matter when it comes to bass guitar necks. Playing on a bigger neck isn’t exactly superior to playing on thin necks. Humans (including bass players) were all created differently. Some were created with big hands while some were created with “not-very-big” hands. Choosing the perfect bass guitar … Read More