10 BEST Bass Guitars with Thin Necks in 2023 (For Smaller Hands)

bass guitars with thin necks

Just like in so many things, size does matter when it comes to bass guitar necks. Playing on a bigger neck isn’t exactly superior to playing on thin necks. Humans (including bass players) were all created differently. Some were created with big hands while some were created with “not-very-big” hands. Choosing the perfect bass guitar … Read More

12 MOST Popular Guitars with Bare Knuckle Pickups (2023 Updated)

Best guitars with bare knuckle pickups

The pickup is the heart of the electric guitar. It is the most important electronic inside of an electric guitar. Without a pickup, trust me, your guitar will not be loud enough for any serious usage.  What the pickup does is basically “pick up” the vibrations of your guitar strings and convert them to electricity. … Read More

10 BEST Battery-Powered Bass Amps in 2023 (Take Them Anywhere!)

best battery powered bass amp

There are a couple of bass guitar accessories you can almost not do without, regardless of your playing level. One of those accessories is undoubtedly a bass amp. Bass amps are a must-have for players of all levels.  It doesn’t matter if you are stuck with indoor/bedroom rehearsals, touring the town, gigging live venues, or … Read More

Shamisen vs. Banjo – Is Shamisen JUST a Japanese Banjo? (There’s MORE!)

Shamisen vs Banjo

Still confused between these two instruments? Here’s  quick precap before we dive into a detailed comparison! Shamisen Banjo Sound A shamisen’s tone is comparable to the American banjo’s in certain ways since the drum-like groove intensifies the rhythm of the strings. The sound of the banjo is somewhat bright and twangy. Strings It is available … Read More

A Style vs. F Style Mandolins (Tone, Cost, Ease of Learning, & MORE!)

A style vs F style mandolin

Features A-Style F-Style Ornamental Scrolls Absent Present Points Absent Present Body Plain Decorative Price Less expensive More expensive Genres Better suited to other genres, such as Celtic Ideal for bluegrass Mandolins have been around for centuries. Apart from movies, you will also see them in ancient drawings and even read their mentions in poetry. The … Read More

Your ULTIMATE Guide to Austin Stratocaster (+Comparison with Fender)

austin stratocaster

Over the years, the guitar manufacturing industry has witnessed lots of improvement. Gone are the days when you had to spend your life savings before you can get a decent guitar.  Innovation and time have blurred the lines that once demarcated many guitar players from the world of amazingly built guitars. Now, it is possible … Read More